About Us
The department of Information Technology was established in the year 2008. It is now headed by S.MILTON GANESAN. The aim of the department is to provide a quality education to the youngsters so that they can contribute substantially in the development of new technology and serve the nation. We do not emphasize only on the theoretical knowledge but also provide the students practical knowledge so that they can build their future better.The Department of Information Technology is offering a full time four year B.Tech degree course in Information Technology. Department combines faculty with expertise in various fields and good laboratory facilities for imparting knowledge to the students. This enables students to face the challenging needs of the industries and research institutions. The department is involved in conduct of several national level workshops, Seminars, FDP, etc. Our faculty members are involved in research work in the fields of Network Security, Image Processing, Data Mining, Soft Computing, etc
By the Numbers
UG Students
Non Teaching
Ph.D Awardee
Research Scholar
Message from the HOD

Dr.S.Milton Ganesh
HOD (i/c), AP/IT
Dr.S.Milton Ganesh he has been the Head (i/c) in IT for nearly 4 years. He has received B.Tech in Information Technology in 2004, M.E.in Computer Science and Engineering in 2007 and Ph.D.in Information and Communication Engineering in 2021. He has been working as assistant professor in CSE for more than 15 years and had served as assistant systems engineer in TCS for nearly 2 years. He has 5 research publications in journals and 6 publications in different conferences. He has attended many faculty development programmes, workshops, given guest lectures, published articles in book chapters to keep abreast of the latest trends. His research interests include computer networks, cloud computing, data structures, network security among others.